31 Days: We made it!
If you’re keeping track, I managed to post something almost every day this month. That’s nothing short of remarkable, considering my previous track record.
Since I know y’all are out having fun tonight, and not sitting inside reading Ye Olde Blogge, I thought I’d share one quick book.
As we move away from Halloween and toward Thanksgiving, Cynthia Rylant and Lauren Stringer’s Scarecrow is worth checking out. The story here is very poetic, with Rylant’s beloved language making you feel like you really understand the scarecrow’s point of view. His observations on life and nature will probably resonate more with adults than children, but it’s still a sweet read to share together. The slightly-fantastical illustrations probably won’t mimic any scarecrow you’ve ever seen, but the character is sympathetic enough to keep you engaged in the reading. This is a present my girls will open tonight, so that there’s something new in the book basket as we pack away the Halloween books for another year. (Sob.)
If you’ve missed any of our posts this month, click on the image below to find more amazing kids’ books. Thanks for hanging out as we’ve been reading!