31 Days of Amazing Kids' Books

31 Days: I got nothing, y’all.

Since I cannot pull together an organized thought, I’ll spare you some rambling monologue about nothing.

Instead, I’ll point you to my favorite resource for teaching folks about respectful ways to address American Indian issues with children (in the classroom or out of it): American Indians in Children’s Literature.

Dr. Debbie Reese, who writes the blog, is amazing and insightful, and pulls zero punches when it comes to skewering portrayals of American Indians in popular literature. She also once gave me a brilliant email response to an issue I faced when I worked for our state Department of Education, and helped me know that I was not in the wrong. I will be forever grateful for her advice in that moment.

So. As we head down the road to November, take some time and read through her archives. I’ll share some suggested literature later this month and next.